Saturday, January 25, 2014

Australian little girl asks her PM to let boys marry boys and girls marry girls

Sabrina Franco is a smart little girl, she's only four years old. But she understands the importance that love is love, regardless of gender. 

Sabrina lives in western Sydney, and she has written a letter to Australia's conservative prime minister Tony Abbott, after she found out her mother's good friends, a gay male couple, had to go to New York to get legally married, since Australia doesn't perform or recognize same-sex marriages. 

Sabrina says in her letter:

 Dear Tony Abbott,

Don’t get rid of the ABC because we love it. And let boys marry boys and girls marry girls if they love each other or they’ll be sad forever.



It's time Australia!

Sabrina's letter

1 comment:

  1. Kids see the love and its contrast. What a beautiful heart.
