Friday, August 18, 2023

UN denounce Taliban's treatment of women and LGBTQ people in Afghanistan

United Nations (UN) human rights experts sharply criticized the Taliban over its treatment of LGBTQ and other groups in Afghanistan.

“Two years ago, the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan. Since then, the policies they have imposed on the Afghan population have resulted in a continuous, systematic and shocking rescinding of a multitude of human rights, including the rights to education, work and freedoms of expression, assembly and association," reads a statement.

"Consistent credible reports of summary executions and acts tantamount to enforced disappearances, widespread arbitrary detention, torture, and ill treatment, as well as arbitrary displacement have caused increased concern.” 

“The hardest hit are women and girls, ethnic, religious and other minorities, people with disabilities, displaced persons, LGBTQ persons, human rights defenders and other civil society actors, journalists, artists, educators and former government and security officials.”

Under sharia, conviction of same-sex sexual conduct is punishable by death, flogging or imprisonment. Individual Taliban members made public statements reiterating that their interpretation of sharia includes the death penalty for homosexuality.

A 2022 report and video already showed the desperate situation of LGBTQ people in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover in 2021.


To be gay in Afghanistan is a death sentence now

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