Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Japan´s important step to recognize LGBT rights

Japan’s Democratic Party has drawn up an LGBT nondiscrimination bill it plans to put forward in January.

The bill calls on the government to encourage companies to take appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against LGBT people and disclose the names of companies that fail to follow its instructions.

When considering promotion, companies must not give discriminatory treatment to employees based on their sexual orientation.

In addition, the central government will be obliged to draw up basic guidelines for eliminating such discrimination, and local governments will be obliged to compile basic programs to implement concrete measures.

Also called for is the promotion of school education and consultations on sexual minorities and related issues.

It´s time Japan!

Four districts in Japan recognize same-sex couples

Monday, December 28, 2015

Fourth Man Out

This movie centers around a closeted average guy whose best buds first bridle, then rally around him when he decides to come out on his 24th birthday. 

This touchingly heartfelt comedy doesn’t have marquee names or an attention-grabbing hook, but hopefully its sheer likability will grab some deserved niche theatrical and home-format attention.

Evan Todd (“Switched at Birth”) stars as Adam, a small-town, blue-collar mechanic who likes beer and hockey but surprises his buddies when he tells them he’s gay. 

Well meaning but perhaps fated to trip over themselves, hilarity ensues when said buddies all try to help Adam find a boyfriend. Parker Young (“Arrow”), Chord Overstreet (“Glee”), Jon Gabrus (“Younger”) and Kate Flannery (“The Office) co-star in the film from producers Lauren Avinoam, Lauren Hogarth and Jed Mellick.

Watch the trailer of the movie below.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A new district in Japan recognizes same-sex couples

The city of Iga in Mie Prefecture has announced plans to start issuing certificates recognising same-sex partnerships as being equivalent to marriage. The city will become the fourth district in Japan to strengthen its LGBT rights.

The certificates will be issued from next April onwards, in a bid to address discrimination against the LGBT community, Iga Mayor Sakae Okamoto said in a statement.

The city will follow Shibuya and Setagaya wards in Tokyo, which became Japan’s first and second local governments to introduce the system last month.

The city of Takarazuka, meanwhile, has said it will start issuing papers authenticating partnership oaths by same-sex couples by summer 2016.

Remember that a majority of Japanese support changing the country’s laws to allow same-sex unions, with the highest backing coming from younger respondents, according to a poll

It´s time Japan!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Matt Dallas and husband introduce their adorable son

Actor Matt Dallas and husband Blue Hamilton have adopted a two-year-old son named Crow whom they introduced to the world in a YouTube video.

The couple, who married in July of this year, were eager to start a family. Blue said: "We’ve been talking about having kids for a long time. We both come from big families. Family’s important to both of us. Raising a family is very important to both of us".

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Watch the awesome video below.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Greek Parliament approves same-sex civil unions

The Greek Parliament approved a bill granting same-sex couples the right to a civil union, becoming one of the last European countries to give them legal recognition after years of opposition from the influential Orthodox church.
The new Greek law resolves property and inheritance issues, but makes no provision for the adoption of children.
"This is an important day for human rights", Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the chamber. Tsipras said the bill gives same-sex couples "equal rights in life and death", terminating a practice of "backwardness and shame" for Greece.
The European Union (EU) currently has 28 members. Same-sex marriage is legal in twelve of them: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia (effective date pending), Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland). Civil unions are legal in nine EU nations: Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Malta and now Greece. No partnership recognitions exist in seven EU nations: Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.

 The bill was approved by wide majority 194-55
Well done Greece!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

All I want for Christmas is Steve Grand

Singer/songwriter Steve Grand delivered a Christmas gift with his new song and cute video, a cover of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, accompanied by a cozy and sexy co-starring Trevor LaPaglia.
His debut album "All American Boy" bowed at No. 3 on the Independent Albums chart earlier in 2015. Other Grand's success songs were "Stay" and "Time".
You can buy this song here or visit his website www.SteveGrand.com.

Thanks for this wonderful gift dear Steve!


Monday, December 21, 2015

Church of Scotland could allow married gay people to be minister

The Church of Scotland’s General Assembly will debate whether married gay people should be able to be ministers.
The Assembly will discuss the matter in May 2016, and is based on a decision by a majority of Presbyteries who voted approve an Overture amending the Ministers and Deacons in Civil Partnerships Act.
Despite the Church in 2015 approving legislation to allow individual congregations to allow ministers or deacons in civil partnerships, those in same-sex marriages remained banned.
An amendment was proposed which would extend permission to allow congregations to consider inducting or appointing a minister or deacon who was in a same-sex marriage.
Last May, Church of Scotland voted to admit openly gay and lesbian people to become ministers.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Slovenia rejects same-sex marriage in a referendum

Slovenians have voted today against same-sex marriage in a referendum.

The Slovenian’s Parliament passed a bill to legalise same-sex marriage earlier this year, to outcry from parts of the Slovenian public. Despite this, a referendum was forced after campaigners against the law gathered 80,00 signatures.

Voters in Slovenia headed to the polls today in a bid to reinforce a ban on same-sex marriage. With nearly all of the 620,261 votes now counted, the country has recorded 225,428 Yes votes (36.5%) in favour of equal marriage, and 391,818  No votes (63.5%) opposed.

A sad step back in the central European country for LGBT rights.

Christians' acceptance of homosexuality grows in the U.S.

Acceptance of homosexuality is growing among Christians across the U.S., according to new poll data from Pew Research.

Amid a changing religious landscape that has seen a declining percentage of Americans who identify as Christian, a majority of U.S. Christians, over 54%, now say that homosexuality should be accepted.

It reflects a growing acceptance of homosexuality among all Americans, from 50% to 62%, during the same period. 

Among Christians, this trend is driven partly by younger church members, who are generally more accepting of homosexuality than their elder counterparts. 

The Catholic hierarchy should take note.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Being gay remains illegal in India

By a vote of 71-24, India’s Parliament today rejected a bill to decriminalize homosexual acts.

Congress MP Shashi Tharoor’s bill to decriminalise gay sex was rejected, with the former minister saying it was “surprising to see such intolerance”. Tharoor had proposed to amend Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises homosexual acts between consenting adults.

The Supreme Court had ruled in 2013 that only Parliament can change Section 377, which prohibits “carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal”, and is widely interpreted to refer to homosexual intercourse. 

Massive protests pro LGBT rights took place in India to ask a change of legislation but sadly they have been in vain.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The South Africa's sexiest man 2015 by gay community

Afrikaans singer Brendan Peyper is the winner of this year’s Sexiest Man Survey‚ receiving the lion’s share of the almost 6‚000 votes cast on South Africa’s leading gay news website Mambaonline.com.

He beat out 12 other gay-friendly home-grown male celebrity finalists‚ including actors‚ singers‚ dancers and TV celebs‚ who have been competing for the fun title since the start of October.

“I’ve never been nominated for something like this before‚” told Peyper to Mambaonline in an exclusive interview. “It’s a whole new thing for me. I feel very good and appreciate everyone who voted”, he added.

He went on to talk about having to choose between rugby and music‚ homophobia on the sports field and how he was bullied in primary school for not being the typical jock.

“The guys in the rugby team never gave me a chance and never wanted me in the team. They thought I was gay. I was bullied a lot about my music. But I believe that the best revenge is success”, Peyper said.

A cute and talented guy, isn't he?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Four States recognize overseas same-sex marriages in Australia

Same-sex couples who have married overseas will now have those marriages given legal recognition when they return home to the Australian state of Victoria after lawmakers passed the Relationships Amendment Bill.

Same-sex marriage is still not legal in Australia despite overwhelming support from the Australian people so many Australian states have created relationship registers so that same-sex couples can formalize their relationships for legal purposes.

The Relationships Amendment Bill will see overseas civil unions and same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions automatically given the same legal weight as registered relationships.

Victoria joins the states of New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania in recognizing overseas same-sex marriages, meaning a majority of the Australian states now legally recognize the existence of same-sex marriages in some way.

Monday, December 14, 2015

A charity song for Xmas with gay lyrics

The guys of Oxford University’s capella group Out of the Blue have created a man-loving music video rendition of Eartha Kitt’s classic Christmas tune "Santa Baby".

The boys’ cover of "Santa Baby" ups the ante with both an impressive video shot all over Oxford and a gay lyrical change. 

Plus, the song is for charity, with all proceeds from the sale of this song being donated to the children and hospice care facility Helen and Douglas House.

Watch the music video below and buy the track here.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pompiers Sans Frontieres 2016 Calendar

French firemen proved that they are also gorgeous on the inside with the release of a 2016 calendar.
Proceeds from the sales of the calendars go to PompiersSansFrontieres.org, which provides humanitarian aid all over the world.
French fashion photographer Fred Goudon shot the photos and selected each man featured in the calendar himself.

You can buy the calendar here

Friday, December 11, 2015

U.N. launches a new campaign against LGBT discrimination

The United Nations Human Rights office is offically recognizing the impact of LGBT discrimination in a new video campaign. 

Launched today, the powerful video is filled with statistics that highlight the intense discrimination the LGBT community faces on a regular basis:
  • 40 percent of homeless youth identify as LGBT
  • Gay and lesbian youth are four times more likely to consider suicide
  • Young trans individuals are 10 times more likely to have attempted or thought about suicide
  • One-in-five LGBT individuals have experienced workplace discrimination in the past year

According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the video "challenges the myth that the impact of LGBT discrimination is small, or marginal, or confined to only a small part of the community".

The United Nations Human Rights office wants everyone to understand that LGBT discrimination affects everyone.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

U.S. will prioritise Syrian LGBT refugees

After the British Home Office Minister's announcement, the White House has confirmed that the United States will join the list of countries that are prioritising LGBT refugees in Syria.

The terrorist group know as Daesh or ISIS has publicly executed dozens of gay men across Iraq and Syria, with local LGBT communities often forced to flee for their lives.

Amid worsening conditions in war-torn Syria, a number of countries have committed to taking a number of Syrians through resettlement schemes.

The priority is focussed on those most vulnerable: women, children, the disabled and survivors of violence, with both Canada and the United Kingdom confirming that LGBT Syrians will be among those protected across their schemes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

LGBTI refugees from Syria will be resettled in the U.K.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex refugees from Syria will be among the 20,000 Syrian refugees resettled in the United Kingdom over the next five years.

Home Office Minister Lord Michael Bates confirmed that the LGBTI refugees will be included in the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme.

Bates stated: "Survivors of violence and torture; refugees with legal and physical protection needs; refugees with medical needs or disabilities; children and adolescents at risk; persons at risk due to their sexual orientation or gender identity; and refugees with family links in resettlement countries".

Resettlement is the only durable solution to guarantee the safety of LGBTI people due to the grave dangers many experience in refugee camps and places of displacement.

Well done Mr. Cameron!

ISIS continues to kill LGBT people in Syria and Iraq

Syrian Subhi Nahas spoke at a historic meeting of the
U.N. Security Council on gay rights in the Middle East

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

LGBT rights are in Hillary Clinton´s agenda

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks directly to LGBT Americans.

In a campaign ad posted to YouTube, Hillary Clinton reiterates the groundbreaking declaration she made in 2011 as Secretary of State that "gay rights are human rights", featuring images of several same-sex couples kissing.   

The minute-long spot features several excerpts from Clinton's sweeping October speech to volunteers at the Human Rights Campaign, where the she laid out 10 promises to the LGBT community she would fulfill if elected president.  

You can watch the video below.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Banned the discrimination against LGBT teachers in Ireland

Big news for LGBT teachers in Ireland, where the Catholic Church runs most public schools.

The Seanad has passed a bill that will make it illegal for religious-run schools to discriminate against LGBT teachers over their sexuality.

The Equality bill 2013 amends the provisions of Section 37 of the Employment Equality Act, which allows for discrimination against workers based on their family status and sexual orientation.

The bill has already passed through the Seanad, and will now go to the President for signing.

Same citizens, same rights!

Ireland legalized gay marriage last october

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Queensland reinstates gay civil unions

Lawmakers in the Australian state of Queensland have voted overwhelmingly in support of restoring the state’s civil unions scheme which not only creates a legal relationship but allows for an official ceremony like a marriage.
The state first legalized civil unions in 2008 under the Labor government of Premier Anna Bligh but they were dumped by Liberal National Premier Campbell Newman after he swept to power in 2012 despite his personal support for same-sex marriage to appease conservatives in his party.
Now Queensland MPs have voted 64 to 22 to restore the scheme with 21 of those votes crossing the floor to vote with the government’s MPs.
As a result any unmarried Queensland couple may now enter into a civil union but heterosexuals could already marry in Queensland so the vote is a bigger win for the LGBT community.
Only one other jurisdiction in Australia allows civil unions for same-sex couples and that is the Australian Capital Territory, Australia’s equivalent of Washington DC.

It's time Australia!