Friday, February 28, 2014

Statement from European Union Diplomats on Anti-Gay Law in Uganda


We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned and disappointed about the enactment of the Anti-Gay Bill  in Uganda.

We strongly believe that all humans share common indivisible rights. The Anti-Gay Law contradicts this universal principle and the Ugandan Commitment to protect the basic human rights of all of its citizens.

We would like to remind the Government of Uganda of its constitutional and international human rights obligations. Having ratified the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Uganda is obliged to guarantee the human rights infringed by the Anti-Gay Law .

Signed by:

  • Urban Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden
  • David Angel, Canadian High Commissioner
  • Alison Blackburne, British High Commissioner
  • Dónal Cronin, Chargé d' Affaires of Ireland
  • A Stefano Dejak, Ambassador of Italy
  • Scott H. DeLisi, Ambassador U.S
  • Klaus Dieter Düxmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Dan E. Frederiksen, Ambassador of Denmark
  • Sofie From- Emmesberger, Ambassador of Finland
  • Thorbjørn Gaustadsæther, Ambassador of Norway
  • Alain Hanssen, Ambassador of Belgium
  • Alphons Hennekens, Ambassador of the Netherlands
  • Simone Knapp, Head of Office, Austrian Embassy Development Cooperation
  • Sophie Makame, Ambassador of France
  • Gisli Palsson, Chargé d' Affaires a.i of Iceland
  • Kristian Schmidt, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union
  • Geoff Tooth, Australian High Commissioner

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Arizona Gov. vetoes Anti-Gay Bill

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer finally vetoed the so-called "license to discriminate" bill. Brewer said she'd met with numerous people and still couldn't find an example of what the bill was supposedly crafted to defend against.

If signed, it would have allowed anyone to refuse services to anyone, for any reason including being LGBTI, as long as religious belief violations are claimed.

Arizona lawmakers who passed the bill, through both the House and Senate, argued it was needed to protect against cases like one in neighboring New Mexico, where a photographer was penalized for refusing to shoot a lesbian couple's wedding.

Several senior Republicans including Arizona Senator John McCain and Mitt Romney, both known for supporting anti-equality measures, said Governor Brewer had made the right call.

Pressure to veto has grown in recent days including from the NFL which was reportedly considering moving next year's Super Bowl from Arizona if the bill were signed into law. 

A courageous decision within the Republican Party, increasingly faced to Tea party's supporters.

Well done Arizona!

 Gov. Brewer vetoing the bill

Pro-LGBT activists celebrating the veto outside the House 

Anderson Cooper vs Arizona State Senator, over Gay Rights

Anderson Cooper confronted Arizona State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Al Melvin about the bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against gays based on religious beliefs.

Melvin didn't appear to know or didn't want to admit that his state can already fire someone for being gay because sexual orientation is not included in the state's anti-discrimination statutes. Anderson blasted Melvin when he can't say if he believes it is discrimination if someone is fired for their sexual orientation.

Cooper asked: "Can you give me a specific example of someone in Arizona who’s been forced to do something against their religious belief or successfully sued because of their faith?"

Melvin said he could not, arguing the bill is preemptive. Cooper asked him if, hypothetically, a Catholic loan officer could refuse to give a loan to a divorced woman. And Melvin answered: "I don’t know of anybody in Arizona who would discriminate against a fellow human being".

When Cooper pointed out that Arizona businesses oppose the bill, Melvin said it’s "because there has become a media frenzy on this". Cooper incredulously added: "You’re seriously blaming the media on this? Oh, come on!"

Watch the video below:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Gay Cure Therapy will be Banned in Washington State

Therapists who attempt to "cure" gay teens could be charged with unprofessional conduct under a new bill in Washington state. The bill would ban doctors and licensed therapists from the practice on people under the age of 18.

Heated testimony took place around the bill this week as arguments were heard by a Senate committee. Many of those who spoke at the committee were those who had unsuccessfully attempted the therapy

In 2012, had been welcomed California Governor Jerry Brown’s decision to ban teenagers from accessing treatments that seek to reject an LGBT identity. In the same line, New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, also last year signed into law a ban on gay conversion therapy for those under 18 years of age.

The decision hasn't been adopted, but if the bill passes soon, we won't heard more about "sexual orientation change efforts" or "reparative therapy" in Washington state.

Some still believe today that homosexuality is a curable disease

Sunday, February 23, 2014

First Gay Wedding Ceremonies in Illinois

The first same-sex couples in Illinois were married, in Cook County, last Friday. Just hours after the U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman ruled that there was no reason for homosexual couples to wait for marriage until June, which is when an Illinois law goes into effect making gay marriage legal. 

Then, same-sex couples can get a marriage license in Illinois although the ruling applies only to Cook County. However, gay couples can get their license in that county if they also are married there.

On Friday, only the downtown county's office issued same-sex marriage licenses, but the rest of offices will begin issuing licenses on Monday. For this reason, extra staff will be brought in to cover the longer hours.

Equality marriage and equality rights!

Theresa and Mercedes show their License of Marriage

For Equality at Olympics

Today, the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics are over, but Russian homophobic laws continue.

Olympic Games should host where equality and Olympic Charter are respected.

Any step back!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

F1 Boss Ecclestone Admires Putin for Anti-Gay Propaganda Law

Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone is completely agrees with Vladimir Putin’s stance on gay rights, and he supports his controversial anti-gay propaganda law.

Ecclestone said that Putin "hasn’t said he doesn’t agree with homosexuality, just that he doesn’t want these things publicised to an audience under the age of 18. I completely agree with those sentiments and if you took a world census you’d find 90% of the world agree with it as well".

And he added: "I’ve great admiration for him and his courage to say what he says…It may upset a few people, but that’s how the world is. It’s how he sees the world and I think he’s completely right".

Besides, the 83-year old British magnate doesn't think the Russian laws against LGBT rigths violate the spirit of the Olympics currently underway in Sochi. 

Ecclestone agrees with Putin’s position on gay rights

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Uganda President Will Sign the 'Jail the Gays' Bill

Uganda president Yoweri Museveni has affirmed that he is planning to sign into law the Anti-Gay Bill, which would impose lifetime jail sentences for certain instances of homosexuality and would sentence anyone who performs a same-sex marriage to seven years' imprisonment.

Last December, Uganda’s Parliament passed legislation to toughen the punishment for same-sex sexual activity, including life imprisonment for repeat offenders. However, President Museveni announced he would not be signing the bill, leading to a furious response from MPs who supported the law.

Sadly, it seems he has changed his mind.

Protest in London in front of Uganda's Embassy

Sunday, February 16, 2014

England Football Team Would Boycott Russia and Qatar World Cups

Casey Stoney, the head of the England women's football team, announced the team would not attend next Russia and Qatar sport events because gay people are not welcome in those countries. Stoney affirmed they would boycott the upcoming Russia and Qatar World Cups because LGBT people are discriminated there.

Recently, Stoney revealed she is gay to BBC Radio 5Live, as part of a special feature on homophobia in football. She said she was inspired to tell her story following the positive response diver Tom Daley received when he came out late last year.

Activists for LGBT rights said they were deeply concerned by FIFA’s decision to award the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar respectively, countries openly opposed to homosexuality.

England women's football team

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ellen Pages Comes Out

The Canadian actress Ellen Page, who was Oscar nominated for her role in the film Juno has come out, speaking at a conference for LGBT teenagers in Las Vegas.

Page was attending an event organised by the Human Rights Campaign saying: "I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission". And she added: "I’m here today because I am gay". 

She also said: "And because… maybe I can make a difference to help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I’m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain".

Watch her powerful speech here.

Valentine's Cards

 Tom Daley

Eli Lieb

Steve Grand

Brandon & Colby


Devon Spence

Sergio Carvajal

Davey Wavey

 Matt Dallas

Phil Fusco

Matt Mitcham

Bert & Ernie

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Double Men's Toilet in Sochi

Russia approves anti-gay laws but build shared men's toilets in Sochi Olympic venues. 

I have no words!

Will they be arrested by Russian authorities
for doing gay propaganda?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Crowd Supports LGBT People in Sydney Holding Hands

Over 70,000 people at the Sydney Mardi Gras Fair Day held hands in a message of support to LGBT people in Russia who are having their freedom of expression and assembly violated by Russian authorities.

The event was a partnership between the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and the Asia Pacific Gay and Lesbian International Sports Association (GLISA-AP) in order to stage a mass photo of people holding hands to voice their unity with the LGBT community in Russia.

Besides LGBT people's bad situation in Russia, the speeches during the hand holding event also mentioned the plight of LGBT in Nigeria, Uganda, Iran and Saudi Arabia. 

Well done Australians!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Majority of Spanish Catholics Supports Same-Sex Marriage

A recent worldwide poll has found that close to one-in-four Spanish Catholics would like their church to start marrying same-sex couples as part of a global snapshot of where ordinary Catholics stand on social issues. 

Specifically, the 43% said they believed the Catholic Church should allow same-sex couples to wed, and the 64% who said they supported civil same-sex marriages.

Then, the poll shows that a growing number of Spanish Catholics think Catholic Church should marry gay couples, and puts Spain leading the way in the developed and developing countries with an important Catholic community in favour of marriage equality.

The polling comes as the Vatican is itself seeking the views of ordinary Catholics on social issues in a consultation process which will examine, amongst other things, the church’s approach to same-sex relationships. 

Well for Spain!

Gay kiss protest during last visit of Pope Benedict in Barcelona

Monday, February 10, 2014

Missouri Football Star Comes Out

College football star Michael Sam, a defensive lineman for the University of Missouri, told the New York Times that he is openly gay.

The first team All-American, and probable high pick in the National Football League draft, told he came out to his teammates this past August. "I am an openly, proud gay man", he said.

"I understand how big this is. It's a big deal. No one has done this before. And it's kind of a nervous process, but I know what I want to be... I want to be a football player in the NFL", he added.

Sam also said: "I told my mom and dad last week, and they just pretty much said, 'We knew and we love you and support you'. I'm their baby boy. I'm the first to go to college. I'm the first to graduate college. Something like this is just another milestone... And I love my hometown. I think when this story breaks, I think they're just going to love me even more for who I am".

The NFL released a statement: "We admire Michael Sam's honesty and courage. Michael is a football player. Any player with ability and determination can succeed in the NFL. We look forward towelcoming and supporting Michael Sam in 2014".

And the University of Missouri posted this on Twitter:

Michelle Obama has also tweeted her support for him:

Proud of you Michael, you have won the most important match!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

More Federal Benefits for Same-Sex Couples

The U.S. Justice Department will extend more federal protections to same-sex married couples, even those living in states where gay marriage is not legalized.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced the new rules will constitute a wide variety of changes, and he will report government lawyers to treat same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples equally in federal courts.

Holder said: "In every courthouse, in every proceeding and in every place where a member of the Department of Justice stands on behalf of the United States, they will strive to ensure that same-sex marriages receive the same privileges, protections and rights as opposite-sex marriages".

Obama administration is working to level the playing field for married same-sex couples so that they have as many of the same rights as male-female spouses. Currently in U.S, the marital status is affected by approximately 1,100 laws and statutes.

Obama administration has a long road ahead.

Who pays same taxes deserves same services and benefits

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gay Activists Arrested in Russia

Russian police arrested several gay rights activists protesting in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at same time of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics' opening.

In Moscow, police quickly detained ten gay rights activists who waved rainbow flags on Red Square and attempted to sing a Russian anthem.

In St. Petersburg, four activists were detained after unfurling a banner quoting the Olympic Charter's ban on any form of discrimination. 

In all cases, the protesters were quickly rounded up by police, arrested and moved to police station. 

Russian law banning gay propaganda from reaching minors is used to repress any act or protest supporting LGBT rights.

Russian authorities have refused to comment, while IOC turns a blind eye.


There is always more police than protesters