Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's Time Chile!

Same-sex civil unions are set to become the law in Chile after the Senate gave final approval to a bill passed by the House last week, and President Michelle Bachelet has said she will sign it.
The Chilean Senate approved the measure by a 25-6 vote margin with three abstentions. The bill passed in the country’s House of Representatives by a 78-9 vote margin.
A historic step against discrimination and for the advancement of LGBT rights in Chile.
Go on!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Rhodes Bros and Dad onto Ellen Show

In just one week, the YouTube video of gay twins Aaron and Austin Rhodes coming out to their dad has been viewed more than 14 million times.
Their courage got the attention of Ellen DeGeneres who welcomed the twins onto her daytime talk show this week along with their dad who, although caught by surprise, managed to say all the right things.
Austin Rhodes says when their dad answered the phone, it was the scariest moment of his life because in his mind he thought: "This could be the last time that we have a normal phone call like this if he takes it bad".
But their dad said: "When they told me, the only thing that came to me was: I love you both, unconditionally".
And he added: "They now feels like they can talk about anything and they can come to me with anything in their lives. I'm very proud of my boys".
Proud of all of them.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Next Holocaust Memorial Day wear a pink triangle

Each 27 January, Holocaust Memorial Day events were staged around in globe, in remembrance of victims of the Nazi persecution. 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, most of them Jews but also Christians, Jehovah´s witnesses, Roma and other ethnic and religion groups. 

During the Nazi period up to 100,000 gay men and women also were persecuted and imprisoned for their sexuality under Paragraph 175 of the German Penal code. The Third Reich had no place for such 'deviants' and set out a systematic strategy to rid itself of this 'poison'. About 15,000 were sent to concentration camps where, forced to wear the 'pink triangle', as many as 60% lost their lives.

The pink triangle, or Rosa Winkel, was the most associated symbol for men held under § 175. Inmates were made to wear a large piece of pink cloth on the breast side of their clothes (as shown in the picture below) and a larger one across their backs. The pink triangle was made 2cm larger than any of the other identification triangle so that guards and other prisoners could clearly see when a homosexual prisoner was approaching. 

Some homosexuals were also identified with a large black dot on the jacket sleeve or left chest area. On the back of the jacket was also marked a large '175', which would have been instantly recognisable.

Gays were treated with particular contempt not only the SS but also by many of the other inmates, who regarded them as degenerate perverts. Life in the camps was a solitary existence making it hard to survive mentally for any period of time. In the face of such hatred and degradation, it is no surprise that many committed suicide by running into electric perimeter fences rather than face ongoing persecution.

We dont´t forget.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Alabama judge strikes down ban on gay marriage

A U.S. district judge struck down Alabama's ban on same-sex marriage after two women sued the state for failing to recognize the couple's union.

Cari Searcy and Kimberly McKeand were married legally in California and have been together for 15 years. But the issue of their rights as a couple came about after Searcy's petition to adopt McKeand's 9-year-old son was denied.

Alabama and Mississippi have the reputation as the most conservative places in the old Southern states in the U.S.

Alabama's adoption code gives a person a right to adopt a spouse's child. But because Alabama doesn't recognize their marriage, Searcy could not qualify for adoption.

Of course, Cari and Kimberly are very pleased with the court's ruling. 

Justice and equality should be guaranteed to everyone and I am proud to know that now is true in Alabama.


Cari, Kimberly and their son

Love wins on 2/3 of U.S.

Friday, January 23, 2015

ICANN will protect the Dot Gay

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) handles the creation of new top level domains (TLD) to rival .com and .org. 

ICANN has agreed to reconsider an application to protect the ‘.gay’ domain, after fears it would be sold off.

Remember, the Internet authority was criticized in October when it refused to hand over control of the ‘dot gay’ domain to the LGBT community and put it up for auction to a number of commercial bidders.

This week agreed to re-consider the domain for the ‘Community Priority Evaluation’ process, after admitting to flaws in the first process.

We will see...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

It's Time Ireland!

With a referendum on same-sex marriage due in May, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) yesterday launched a campaign for a Yes vote.

The USI has had a unanimous mandate to campaign for marriage equality since 2012. A poll notes that over 90% of students are in favor of marriage equality, compared with 79% of the Irish population as a whole.

USI President, Laura Harmon, said: "Students have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make Ireland more equal in the upcoming referendum on marriage equality".

"It is clear that students want to live in a more inclusive and egalitarian society. Access to marriage equality is a crucial part of this. USI has registered over 20,000 students to vote, and we plan to add to this number over the coming months. We know students are excited by the referendum and anxious to have their voices heard on the issue of marriage equality in Ireland", she added.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The LGBT rights in Obama's State of the Union Address

There were over 6,000 words in President Obama’s State of the Union address, but he made history yesterday night when he used just one of them: transgender.
In a section of his speech in which he noted that Americans "respect human dignity", Obama included the word along with lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Obama's quote said:
"That’s why we defend free speech, and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities, or people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. We do these things not only because they're right, but because they make us safer".
This is not the first time Obama has spoken about LGBT rights. He was the first president to address gay rights during an inauguration during his second inaugural address, and the first to openly support same-sex marriage.
Well done Mr. President!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First same-sex wedding in Mexico State of Baja California

The first same-sex couple have married in the Mexican state of Baja California, after a protracted legal battle and numerous failed attempts.
The Mexican Supreme Court ruled last year that the northern Mexican state (which borders the US state of California) could not prevent Víctor Aguirre Espinoza and Fernando Urías Amparo from marrying.
However, the pair, who have been trying to marry for months, have suffered a number of mysterious setbacks at the hands of the state, being forced to cancel their ceremony at the last minute four separate times, over bureaucratic hurdles.
Finally, after the couple’s attorney filed a formal complaint against the city of Mexicali for allegedly disobeying the Supreme Court’s ruling, the pair were finally allowed to marry yesterday.
The pair originally planned to marry in November, but were forced to cancel the plans, after an ill-timed bomb threat was made at Mexicali City Hall.
The couple’s attorney accused Mayor of Mexicali Jaime Díaz Ochoa of deliberately throwing bureaucratic hurdles in the way of rescheduling the wedding.
In any case they have got it, muchas felicidades to the new married couple!

Víctor and Fernando are husband and husband

Monday, January 19, 2015

First LGBT school will be in UK

The UK’s first LGBT school is underway in Manchester.
The school will have 40 pupils and is being coordinated by LGBT Youth North West.
A feasibility study into the plans is currently being conducted after LGBT Youth North West was handed £63,000 ($116,000) in grant funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government.
Although primarily designed for LGBT young people who struggle in mainstream schools, it will also be open to any other children wishing to attend.
Amelia Lee, strategic director for LGBT Youth North West, told the hope is that the school will act as a trailblazer that other areas can replicate.
"This will provide for LGBT young people who don’t feel they fit in the mainstream", Lee said. "Lots of pupils have a really tough time and we want to do what we can to help those pupils and to give them additional support", she added.
An awesome project.

The rainbow school will be real

Friday, January 16, 2015

Austria's court ruling allows gay adoptions

Austria's top court lifted a ban on gay adoption, bringing the country into line with many other EU countries.

The Constitutional Court said the law contravened the European Human Rights Convention. The ruling say there was "no objective argument for a differing rule based solely on sexual orientation of the parents".

Previously, only married couples were allowed to adopt but gay marriage is not legal in Austria.
However, since 2013, LGBT couples can form registered partnerships and have been able to adopt the biological child of their partners.

Remember that some EU countries such as the UK, the Netherlands, Spain and France allow gay marriage with full adoption rights, but many others don't.

Gay adoption legal in Europe

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rhodes Bros Come Out to Dad

Vlogger twins Austin and Aaron Rhodes have come out to their father and their fanbase in a video posted today on YouTube.
“We think it is time to finally just be ourselves. We hope by our actions today you can finish watching this video feeling encouraged and inspired”, they posted on their YouTube page, explaining that they are gay to their father by telephone.
Congrats hunks!

Proud of you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Colorado church refuses a lesbian's funeral

Friends and supporters held a “Dignity in Death” rally Tuesday for a wife and mother of two who was denied a proper memorial service by a church in Lakewood, Colorado, because she was a lesbian. 

With hundreds of people sitting in pews awaiting a memorial service for Vanessa Collier, who died Dec. 29, church officials at New Hope Ministries, where the memorial was scheduled to take place this past Saturday, refused to perform the service because she was a lesbian mom and wife.

A big shame!

Relatives and friends protest outside church

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No Pants! Subway Ride 2015

One year more, New York City, London, Vancouver, Barcelona... joined the worldwide "No Pants! Subway Ride" launched by ImprovEverywhere.

The No Pants Subway Ride is an annual event staged by Improv Everywhere every January around the world. 

The mission started as a small prank with seven guys in New York City, and has grown into an international celebration of silliness, with dozens of cities around the world participating each year. 

The idea behind No Pants is simple: Random passengers board a subway car at separate stops in the middle of winter without pants. The participants behave as if they do not know each other, and they all wear winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves. The only unusual thing is their lack of pants.

One of the rules for participants is: "If someone asks why you are not wearing pants, you can respond with phrases like: Gosh! I didn’t noticed!, or Yes, I always go without pants on the subway, or This is one of my purposes for this new Year". 

No pants, be happy!

Monday, January 12, 2015

ALL OUT: Stops Virginia's anti-gay bill

Imagine being rushed to the hospital but refused treatment because of who you are. In 2 days, the US state of Virginia will consider a law that allows doctors, teachers, and all companies to deny service to gay, lesbian, and bi people under the guise of “religious or moral conviction”.
The bill is going to a critical vote. If we succeed this week in convincing members of the committee to vote ‘no’, it will never see the light of day. We need a giant and global public outcry right now to show the committee that citizens in the US and around the world are paying attention.
The vote is looming, the next 2 days are crucial to stop the bill so we need to go All Out. Can you add your name to this petition to tell the voting committee to say no to this anti-gay bill? We’ll urgently deliver the signatures to each committee member right away:

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Snow Pride 2015 Barcelona - La Molina

Do you lock yourself at home when the cold arrives? Do you think that the good plans are only for the summer? Change that thought!
From January 16th to January 18th the spanish ski resort La Molina hosts the Snow Pride Barcelona 2015, an all inclusive LGTB event where you will be able to ski, relax at the spa, enjoy the nature, meet new people and have the greatest fun on our parties.
Yes, because a great weekend is not complete without a good party. That’s why the team behind the website (one of the most influential LGTB magazines in Spain) will host the Estoy Bailando – Snow Party!. Two amazing nights where you will find the funniest hosts, great shows from our guest artists and the best music mixed by Hidroboy DJ (Churros con Chocolate, ¡Qué Trabaje Rita!, Saturgays).
Get your skis ready because the best slopes are waiting for you in La Molina. Doesn’t matter if you’re an expert skier or a rookie; there’s a lot of activities for everyone in the Snow Pride Barcelona 2015.
Hurry up and don’t miss it!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Florida police officer weds boyfriend in full uniform

A Florida police officer has married his partner in full police uniform to celebrate gay marriage becoming legal in the state.
Detective David Currie, 50, and his longterm partner Aaron Woodard, 33, married in a ceremony held in Broward County.
Currie said: "I am gay and a police officer. I’ve always kept the two separate. It the marriage was very accepted and praised by the sheriff last night". His boss, the County Sheriff Scott Israel, immediately approved his request to wear his uniform during the ceremony.
Be proud!

Congrats to the happy couple!

Church of Scotland approves ordination of gay ministers in preliminary vote

Church of Scotland approved a rule to allow for the ordination of gay and lesbian ministers.
The Kirk has revealed the breakdown of the votes of the presbyteries: a total of 1,391 presbytery members voted in favor and 1,153 against, resulting in a 54.6% to 45.4% split.
The story isn't done just yet, however, as a final decision will be made at the General Assembly scheduled in May of this year.
They aret no so late, same-sex marriage in Scotland began January 1st. Go on!

Next General Assembly will definetly decide this subject

Friday, January 9, 2015

Russia bans people with sexual disorders from driving

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree could ban transgender people and others diagnosed with sexual disorders from driving cars.
The provision is part of a broad document outlining the medical conditions that disqualify people from driving. The list of "contraindications" to drive a vehicle includes blindness and epilepsy. But it also references a set of "mental and behavioral disorders" which include "gender identity disorders" and some "disorders of sexual preference".

The decree does not classify homosexuality as a "disorder of sexual preference", but Russian authorities often enforce provisions in a way that is much broader than a strict interpretation would allow, however officials could seek to use this rule to prevent gays, lesbians, and bisexuals from driving.
In any case, this provision seems to be a new step in the Russian government’s ongoing campaign against LGBT people, which began with the adoption of the so-called "homosexual propaganda" ban in 2013.

Maybe Russian authorities want this...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Vietnam, a new step for same-sex marriage

The Vietnamese government has now repealed its ban on same-sex marriage.
The decision comes not because this past December Ted Osius became the first openly gay U.S. ambassador of Vietnam, but rather after the Vietnamese government moved to relax its some of its longstanding policies that prohibited the unions.
The decision is thought to be a strategic move to improve the country’s image and encourage the LGBT tourism industry. The society in Vietnam still needs some time to accept gay and lesbians.
The country has not legalized gay marriage and will not afford gay couples with the same legal rights as straight married people, however. Officially Vietnam did away with its laws requiring gay couples to be slapped with fines in 2013, but its new announcement more strongly reaffirms the nation’s evolving stance on LGBT people.

Same love, same rights

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Love is Stronger than Hate - L'Amour plus fort que la Haine

The French satirical weekly "Charlie Hebdo" published its first issue after the criminal attack that caused twelve deaths and serious damage at its headquarters in Paris. The bloody attack took place after the French weekly published a front-page cartoon of Muhammad.

Twelve people were killed, including two policemen, in the attack by three young men armed with Kalashnikovs. The gunmen finally scaped.

The journalist, cartoonist and editor of the magazine, Charb, and three of the major artists of the weekly, Cabu, Wolinski and Tignous were killed in the attack. The shooting also caused more than twenty wounded, four of them very serious.

French President, François Hollande, has said there is no doubt that it has been a terrorist attack. It is "a barbaric attack against a newspaper, which means is an attack against freedom of speech. A barbaric attack against journalists, who can act with freedom in France, because the French Republic protects them", said Hollande.

The President recalled that "Charlie Hebdo" had received threats on several occasions, after publishing cartoons of Muhammad, and therefore was protected. But it's obvious that it was not enough and it has not prevented the bloodbath.
My absolutely rejection of this attack and all my support to the French magazine, and to he freedom of expression.

4 cartoonist, including Editor, killed