Monday, September 30, 2013

Serbia Bans Gay March for 3rd Year

Serbia's Government banned a weekend gay pride march in Belgrade for the third consecutive year.

Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said top police officials decided to ban gay rally because of threats made by right-wing groups and because they feared a repeat of violence in 2010, when extremists attacked a gay pride march in the Serbian capital. 

Gay pride marches in 2011 and 2012 were also banned for similar reasons.

But around 200 gay activists, waving rainbow flags and banners that read "This is Pride", defied the ban and gathered outside Dacic's government office before walking to parliament flanked by riot police. They chanted "this is Serbia" and "we have pride".

Allowing a gay pride march this year had been regarded by some as a test of Serbia's pledge to respect human rights as it seeks European Union membership. But the EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, said the decision banning march was a “missed opportunity to show respect for fundamental rights”, if Serbia has plans to join the EU.

The anti-gay hooligans have won again, and they decide what the Serbia's Government can do and can't do.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Gambia President Considers Gays One of the Biggest Threats to Humanity

Yahya Jammeh, the president of Gambia, denounced gays and lesbians at the United Nations today.

He used his address to the United Nations General Assembly to attack gay people, calling homosexuality one of the three “biggest threats to human existence”.

Jammeh said homosexuality, greed and obsession with world domination, "are more deadly than all natural disasters put together".

Gambian president is notoriously antigay. In 2008 he gave an ultimatum to the gay and lesbian residents of Gambia, telling them to either leave the country or face execution by beheading.

In the last decade, homophobic attacks and harassment are becoming more visible specially in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, homosexuality is punished in 36 African countries.

Seeing is believing! Intolerable!

The IOC is Satisfied with Russia

Jean-Claude Killy, chairman of the Coordination Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), announced they are fully convinced that Russia will respect the Olympic charter and there will be no discrimination during 2014 Sochi Olympics.

He said: "The Olympic Charter states that all segregation is completely prohibited, whether it be on the grounds of race, religion, color or other, on the Olympic territory". And he added: "The IOC doesn't really have the right to discuss the laws in the country where the Olympic Games are organized. As long as the Olympic Charter is respected, we are satisfied, and that is the case" (over Russia).

The Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay rights organization in the U.S., considers the IOC's satisfaction as a shame. And  its error in judgment is a gross insult to the millions of LGBT Russians and international travelers put at risk by this law.

Now, you can tell the IOC they're wrong on Russia!

Jean-Claude Killy with President Putin

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Anti-Gay Petition to Ban Elton John's Performance in Russia

Last week, Elton John announced he would perform in Russia and he wouldn't cancel a concert planned this December in Moscow, despite the homophobic climate and the Russian anti-gay laws.

But now, some Russian anti-gay groups have asked Russian authorities to ban Elton John's concert. They say that to allow the gay artist to perform in Russia would be a violation and a teasing of the law banning gay propaganda.

Yuri Ageshchev, one of the leaders of those homophobic groups, has affirmed: "The statement by this gay guy about his support for gays and other perverts during the upcoming concert in Moscow is an insult to all Russian citizens". And he calls them to oppose the upcoming concert of Elton John in Moscow on December.

Banning Eltoh John or any artist under the guise of children's protection from gay propaganda shows the true purpose of that law. In any case, what is the problem if only who wish may attend the concert?

John with his husband, David Furnish, 
and their two sons.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Former U.S. President Bush Witnesses Same-Sex Marriage

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, and his wife Barbara, served as an official witness at a same-sex wedding over the weekend, in Maine. The couple, Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, posted the following photo to Facebook showing Bush signing their marriage license:

Congratulations to the married couple and witnesses!

Gay Activists Arrested in Moscow over Sochi Olympics Protest

Several gay activists have been arrested today outside the Sochi Olympics organising committee headquarters, in Moscow.

The group of activists, led by Nikolai Alekseev, tried to hold a protest against the ban of public rallies during the Olympic Games in Sochi next year, but the group were immediately arrested by police.

After passing the law banning gay propaganda, last June, the situation of LGBT people in Russia is becoming increasingly difficult and the homophobic climate has reached unacceptably levels.

Critics confirm that law effectively bans all gay rights rallies and could be used to prosecute anyone voicing support for homosexuals.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Australian Priest Excommunicated by Vatican for Supporting Gay Marriage

Greg Reynolds, a Melbourne priest, has been excommunicated by Vatican directive over his support for marriage equality and the ordination of women as Catholic clergy.

The priest, was called by Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, John Salvano, who translated him the excommunication document, written in Latin, and dated on May 31.

The document gave no reason for the excommunication, but Reynolds said: “I have come to this position because I have followed my conscience on women’s ordination and gay marriage". 

Archbishop Hart confirmed he was excommunicated because his preachings contradicted those of the Church.

Reynolds, who has founded a group called Inclusive Catholics, said he will continue his ministry with that organization.

Well Pope Francis, seems that someone in your Church has judged Father Reynolds not for being gay but for supporting them.

The former priest shows the excommunication document

Monday, September 23, 2013

Gay Kisses as Protest in the Italian Parliament

The Italian Parliament's lower house approved the controversy bill on homophobia, with votes of the Democratic Party, Choice Civic League and some individual MPs of the PDL, and the strong opposition of M5S Movement.

As initially conceived, the measure increased the penalty for crimes of homophobia and transphobia by half, and it had the support of M5S Movement. 

But finally, the bill has been approved with an amendment which excludes the aggravating circumstance of homophobia for the opinions or conduct "undertaken within political organizations or trade union, cultural, health, education, religion or worship". That amendment has been interpreted by many as an attempt to remove the aggravating for the extreme right-wing political associations or Catholic reactionary. 

When voting began, the protest of M5S Movement was very singular: each of its parliamentary hugged or kissed one of his or her same-sex colleague.

Now, the bill goes to Italian Senate for a second reading, where it can be amended again, but it will probably be refused by members of Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom party, because they say that the future law will restrict freedom of speech.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bulgarian Gays Finally March

The 6th gay march in Sofia, scheduled on June 22, was postponed due to security concerns. Finally, several hundreds of activists for LGBT rights could marched today through the streets of the Bulgarian capital, protected by the police.  

The rally has commemorated the killing of Mihail Stoyanov, a 25-year-old medical student who was beaten to death in one of Sofia's parks by skinheads in a hate crime, in September 2008.

The parade also protested against Russia’s law banning gay propaganda, and marchers carried To Russia With Love signs.

Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007, but LGBT people still face hostility. Despite most countries passed gay equality legislation, homosexuality is seen as a taboo in many Balkan countries, particularly outside the bigger cities. 

For more information check

Friday, September 20, 2013

100,000 Thanks!!!!

Today, I have reached 100,000 hits on my blog. 
I have no words... well only one:


Thanks everybody, because you make it possible!
Thanks my husband, for your continued support!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Obama a Hero and Putin a Villain by The Moscow Times

The Moscow Times has named President Obama as one of the Heroes of Russia's Gay Rights Movement. 

The reasons are that American authorities have long raised questions about human rights and LGBT issues in Russia, and Obama sent a clear signal during his visit to St. Petersburg for the G20 summit, where he organized a meeting with human rights and LGBT activists amid a busy schedule and ongoing negotiations regarding the conflict in Syria. 

During the meeting with Russian activists, Obama declared: "The kinds of activities that are represented here are critically important to Russia's development and I'm very proud of their work. I think it's important to remember that in every country, here in Russia, in the United States, around the globe, that part of good government is making sure that we're creating space for civil society to function".

Other individuals to receive the title of Hero of Russia's Gay Rights Movement are Nikolai Alexeyev, Dmitry Isakov, Igor Kochetkov and Anna Anisimova.

The same media had also named President Putin as one of the Villains Of Russia's Gay Rights Movement. The reasons of this title, obviously, are the anti-gay laws which he signed last months and to let the persecution of the LGBT community go unpunished.

In this case, the list of villains included Vitaly Milonov, Alexei Zhuravlyov, The Russian Orthodox Church, Yelena Mizulina, Maxim Martsinkevich and Dmitry Kisilev.

 Nikolai Alexeyev, the top of heroes' list

Vitaly Milonov, the top of villains' list

Vienna: Ban Kissing on Public Trains

The Austria's capital has introduced fines for kissing, speaking on a mobile phone and eating smelly takeaways on public train network.

Wiener Linien, the company that runs the city's transport network, has decided to take this drastic measures because it had been experiencing an increase in odd activities on board its train network.

After conducting a survey into passenger opinions, some actions will be banned on board, like couple kissing (same-sex or otherwise); people who talk too loudly on their mobile phones and those who eat smelly foods. All of them will face being dragged off by specially appointed sheriffs and handed €50 fines.

It's really weird that in Klimt's country, the author of the most famous painted kiss, now the couples can't kiss on public transport.

Will, take care in Vienna xD

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Elton John Will Perform in Russia

Elton John has announced that he won't cancel a concert planned this December in Moscow, despite the homophobic climate and the Russian law banning gay propaganda.

The singer thinks that he have to go and perform in Russia for later this year, in order to support his LGBT fans who might be suffering "in an isolated situation".

Elton John has declared: "I've got to go. And I've got to think about what I'm going to say very carefully. There's two avenues of thought: Do you stop everyone going, ban all the artists coming in from Russia? But then you're really leaving the men and women who are gay and suffering under the antigay laws in an isolated situation. As a gay man, I can't leave those people on their own without going over there and supporting them. I don't know what's going to happen, but I've got to go".

His decision to perform stands in contrast to another artists like Cher, who recently turned down an opportunity to perform in Sochi Olympics because of all the hatred to gays in Russia, or Wentworth Miller, who also rejected an invite to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival for the same reason.

In any case, different strategies but the same goal.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Cher Says No to Sochi Olympics

In an interview with Canadian magazine Maclean’s, Cher revealed that she turned down the opportunity to open the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. The reason argued by the singer to refuse the invitation is the hatred to gays that now permeates Russia.

Cher explained: "I can’t name names but my friend called who is a big oligarch in Russia, and asked me if I’d like to be an ambassador for the Olympics and open the show. I immediately said no. I want to know why all of this gay hate just exploded over there. He said the Russian people don’t feel the way the government does".

Cher isn't the only celebrity to say no thanks to a Russian invite. Wentworth Miller recently rejected an invite to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival. In the same lines, Lady Gaga and Madonna have already expressed their opposition to the Russia's anti-gay legislation.

Equality should be an olympic value!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Full Frontal Freedom, a coalition of independent artists who expend their creative juices on enhancing civil discourse, released a video in collaboration with Dream It Productions and Ryan Hanson Productions to back up marriage equality.

The clip, set to Macklemore's Same Love song, features dancers Nick and James Aragon, Nicole Bondzie, Filippo Calvagno, Ryan Hanson, Emrhys Cooper, Charlotte Price, Hannah May Evans. It's choreographed by Emrhys Cooper and Ryan Hanson.

One awesome dance for an incredible song to support same-sex marriage. Watch it, it's worth it!

New Anti-Bullying Procedures in Irish Schools

Ruairí Quinn, the Irish Minister for Education and Skills, launched a new anti-bullying procedures for all primary and post-primary schools in Ireland. The procedures and guidelines fully incorporate addressing and preventing homophobic and transphobic.

All schools will be required to specifically address homophobic and transphobic bullying as part of their new mandatory anti-bullying policy, and the Irish government will support them in implementing these new mandatory procedures.

Recent polls showed that 50% of Irish students have experienced verbal homophobic or transphobic bullying; 25% have been physically threatened by their peers; and 34% have heard homophobic comments from their teachers.

You can read the new anti-bullying procedure here.

The new Action Plan On Bullying launched by 
Ruairí Quinn, Minister for Education and Skills

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pelosi to Putin: When You Said People Being Created Equal Don’t Forget Gays

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has told to Vladimir Putin if he thinks all people being created equal under God, then the Russian President needs to include gay people too.

Putin affirmed at the end of an op-ed in The New York Times: "We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal".

About that statement, Pelosi has responded: "What I found interesting was the closing. He says that we are all God’s children. I think that’s great. I hope it applies to gays and lesbians in Russia as well".

Read her tweet about it.


Friday, September 13, 2013

U.S. Olympic Medallist Slams Russian Anti-gay Laws

Seth Wescott, two-time Olympic gold medal winner in snowboard cross, slammed the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for its handling of Russia and its anti-gay laws.

Wescott, who hopes to qualify for Sochi Games, criticized the IOC for selecting the Russian city to host the 2014 Games. He thinks that the current Russian law banning gay propaganda could further sully the event.

Wescott said he has female friends in snowboarding who are lesbians. He affirmed: "They're wonderful human beings, and I think for them to be discriminated against is a crime". And he added: "They should be able to be who they are and compete proudly. They represent our country incredibly well and they don't need to be the object of that kind of criticism and negativity".

The IOC and the Sochi Olympics media office haven't respond to Wescott. The IOC said athletes can express themselves before the Olympics and outside the games' venues, but not during the games.

Hurray for him!

Wescott won gold in 2006 and 2010 
Winter Olympics in snowboard cross 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Zambia: Charges of Having Sex Against Nature

James Mwape and Philip Mubiana, both 22 years old, will appear in court on 12 September in the Zambian town of Kapiri Mposhi for a remand hearing. They are facing two counts each of committing offences “against the order of nature”.

Those offences are to have consensual and private gay sex, because homosexuality is a very serious offence in Zambia in any case. Under Zambian law, sexual relations between men are punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

The arrest of two men, last April, resulted from an anti-gay campaign, when Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba urged the Zambian public to report homosexuals. In response to that appeal, Mubiana’s sister Sharon reported her brother to police. Both men are in police custody since their arrest, and have been denounced police abuses and tortures.

Last June, Amnesty International warned on rising levels of homophobia and prosecution against LGBT people in Africa. In the last decade, homophobic attacks and harassment are becoming more visible specially in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, homosexuality is punished in 36 African countries.

You can check the status of LGBT rights in each African country on website.

This is not a crime!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hawaii, Next Equal Marriage State?

Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii Governor, announced that he has called for special session on same-sex marriage next October 28.

The push for such legislation increased by the U.S. Supreme Court sentence last June, which enabled legally married gay couples to receive federal benefits. Currently, same-sex couples in Hawaii can enter into civil unions and receive the same rights and benefits as marriage under state law but are not entitled to federal benefits.

State House Democrats have met over the past two weeks to count votes and determine if support existed to pass a measure. State Senate Democrats are scheduled to meet later this week, although leaders have said they have enough votes to pass the Marriage Equality Bill.

Abercrombie had previously said he was waiting for a clear signal from the Legislature before calling the lawmakers back for a special session. Now, he  believes that the bill has the support needed in both the State House and Senate to pass. 

Hawaii could be the 14th state in U.S to legalize equal marriage. It's time Hawaii!

Please, don't confuse Abercrombie Gov. 
with Abercrombie guy in Google search xD

Monday, September 9, 2013

Russia Stops International Adoptions with Countries which Allow Same-sex Marriage

Last August, the Russian parliament Duma approved some amendments banning the adoption of Russian children to foreign gay couples and single people living in countries where marriage between same sex is legal.

As a result of these legal changes, and according to the new rules governing international adoptions, now the Russian courts require, as a condition of an international adoption, the prior signing of a bilateral agreement between Russia and the foreign country.

But Russia, before signing a bilateral adoption agreements with foreign countries, takes into account if they have approved same-sex marriage laws to decide.

The result is that Russia is stopping all international adoptions to couples who reside in countries where gay marriage is allowed, even if such couples are heterosexual, if there aren't bilateral agreements with those countries.

After stopping judicial processes, the courts even may end up rejecting the adoption requests regardless the couples are gay or not.

Another twist of the screw in Russia to the discriminatory policies against LGBT people and their rights, but this time with side effects for heterosexual couples.

Protests against anti-gay Russian laws 
continue around the world

Sunday, September 8, 2013

STAY, The New Video of Steve Grand

After his first successful single All American Boy, Steve Grand is back with a new tune: Stay.

The new track is produced by Max Steger and is an awesome song and perfect second part of his first hit. Steve continues to demonstrate an amazing talent as song-writer and singer.

The music video has been directed by Jason Knade and, again, he makes clear his homosexuality and he uses the love between two men to conquer the audience. 

Watch it and enjoy!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Broadway Star Bobby Steggert Comes Out

Actor Bobby Steggert, star of Broadway's Big Fish musical, has come out of the closet in a recent interview. The musical adaptation of the film Big Fish opens on Broadway on October 5, and Steggert has casually confirmed in a new interview with OUT magazine that he is gay.

"I think it's a gay actor's responsibility to give full-blooded life to gay characters", affirmed the 32-year-old actor.

Steggert was nominated for a Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Critics Circle Award, and a Drama League Award in 2010 for his role in Ragtime. He was also nominated for two Drama Desk Awards in 2010: one for Yank! and one for Ragtime.

Now, in Big Fish he is Will Bloom, and the play centers on his charismatic father Edward Bloom (Norbert Leo Butz), whose impossible stories of his epic adventures frustrate the son. The play is about dreaming, loving and living bigger.

Bravo for him!

Big Fish, 2013

 Harbor, 2012

The Nightingale, 2012

Yank!, 2010

Ragtime, 2009