Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Boyfriend, the first Japanese same-sex dating reality show

Netflix will next month upload its first Japanese same-sex dating reality TV series: The Boyfriend.

The show takes nine men to a beach house in order to find love. For a month, they live together and take turns working shifts at a coffee truck, forging deep friendships and learning about themselves along the way.

The show will also be hosted by an eclectic mix of personalities including Megumi, Horan Chiaki, Thelma Aoyama, drag queen Durian Lollobrigida and Yoshimi Tokui.

Japan has a complicated relationship with the LGBTQ+ community, with same-sex marriage currently not legal in the country. In the law fast years alone, multiple courts have issued rulings on whether its exclusion is unconstitutional or not.

Watch the short trailer below:

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