Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A new governmental committee is stablished in India to study rights for same-sex couples

Last year, the Indian Supreme Court declined to grant legal status to same-sex marriages. However, the Supreme Court instructed the federal government to establish a committee to address the myriad issues faced by the LGBTQ community in India.

In compliance with the Supreme Court’s directive, the Indian government has established a committee with Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba appointed as its chair. The committee, consisting of six members, will include secretaries from the Home Affairs, Women and Child Development, Health and Family Welfare, Social Justice and Empowerment, and the Law Ministries.

The establishment of a committee chaired by the Cabinet secretary to address the issues faced by LGBTQ couples in a union is a promising step forward. These include matters such as marriage equality itself, pensions, joint property ownership, healthcare access, and child custody.

This committee’s effectiveness will depend on its ability to engage with LGBTQ communities, understand their needs, and implement policies that are both inclusive and practical. 

It's time India!!!

Activists marching at New Delhi's Pride

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