Sunday, May 19, 2024

The ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map 2024 is live

The Rainbow Map and Index is released yearly by ILGA-Europe, which ranks all 49 European nations on their legal and policy situation for LGBTQ rights since 2009.  

While authoritarian leaders across Europe continue to use the scapegoating of LGBTQ people to divide and mobilise their electorates, others are conversely showing robust political will to honor commitments to advancing and protecting the human rights of LGBTQ people.

Malta has sat on top of the ranking for the last 9 years. With 83 points, Iceland jumped to second place with a rise of three places as a result of the new legislation banning conversion practices and ensuring the trans-specific healthcare is based on depathologisation. Belgium also banned conversion practices and now comes third place on the ranking with a score of 78. Spain is in the fourth place with 76 points.

Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Iceland, Montenegro and Spain are the only countries that have full coverage of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics in their anti-discrimination legislations.

The three countries at the other end of the Rainbow Map scale are Russia (2%), Azerbaijan (2%), and Türkiye (5%). Russia lost 7 points and dropped 3 places because of the federal legislation banning legal gender recognition and trans-specific healthcare. Poland still sits at the end of the EU ranking with 18% points, followed by Romania (19%) and Bulgaria (23%).

Check the map and index here.

The ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map 2024

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