Friday, June 17, 2022

Chile women’s football stars get married


Fernanda Pinilla and Grace Lazcano joined their married life. The player from Universidad de Chile and the host of RedGol’s “Primera Ronda” program were married in an intimate ceremony.

And both the protagonists of the story shared step photos in their relationship, publishing postcards from before, during and after their wedding.

Both shared a photo where Grace appears to make up Fernanda. Another beautiful postcard is a picture of the couple where their faces do not appear, focused on the unity of their hands.

“As the cats want”, the text of them on their respective Instagram accounts, where you can also see photos of the couple alone and with the wedding guests.

The happy couple immediately received congratulations from celebrities and fans, who shared the joy of Fernanda and Grace in their new life as a married couple.

Chile's congress approved in December 2021, a long-awaited law to legalize same-sex marriage. The law also enable married same-sex couples to adopt children.

Congrats to the newlyweds!!!

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