Saturday, August 1, 2020

Spanish small village shows its support to a threatened young gay resident

Dozens of people have protested in the Major Square of Prades, a small village in Spain, to support a young resident who has received anonymous threats for his status as a homosexual and drag queen.

The young man, who goes by the names of Isaac and Gala Rouge, received two letters in February and June in which he was insulted and threatened. This week he received a third letter demanding that if he does not behave ‘like a normal person’, he should leave the village or attend to ‘the consequences’. He has finally reported the incidents to the police.

The protest, promoted by the town hall of this Catalan village, also sought to reject ‘any discriminatory, threatening or hateful attitude towards the LGBT community’, and in favor of ‘the free manifestation of sexual identity and gender expression’. Some protesters displayed rainbow flags and others carried individual banners with slogans such as ‘Let’s fight fascism’ or ‘We love diversity’.

During the protest, Mayoress Lídia Bargas read a manifesto and the victim thanked the support received. A truly emotional act has been the presence of the young man's father also dressed as a woman, showing full support to his son.

It is a shame that there are still homophobic attacks like these in Spain, but it is a great satisfaction to see the reaction of people in defense of gay rights, which are the rights of everyone to love and dress as they please.

Very well done, good people of Prades!!!

Isaac/Gala has received the support of Mayoress of Prades
and most of residents

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